Book TicketsWILD AWAKE
An amazing event at Easter in Cornwall.
Wild Awake is an immersive storytelling show that leads audiences into the beauty of Tehidy Woods, a beautiful woodland at the wild heart of Cornwall, for a celebrartion of the awakening and the possibilities of spring.
A weaving of Cornwall’s ancient (but not forgotten) wild magick and brilliant new stories; Wild Awake weaves theatre, dance, live music and the beauty of nature to welcome audiences into a brilliant immersive experience.
The show is for all ages and all souls who delight in the awakening of spring.
The story weaves along the woodland path and comes to life as a show in our amazing big top tent in a woodland clearing, where a cauldron bubbles nearby on the fire (full of the magic of Rogue’s Wild Woodland (vegetable) stew).
Following Winter Wood which crowns the end of each year, Wild Awake is the first of Rogue’s seasonal shows in Tehidy Woods with an adventure of wild imaginings and a spellbinding tale from nature’s dreams.

Nature was sleeping
Deep wintered, she was dreaming –
Of this moment, the wild awakes
When the Wild Awake follow their dreams
Wild Awake is an adventure for spring, an eruption of imagination, a brilliant new story and a quest for life’s hidden treasures (which may include chocolate)!
Described as “Immersive theatre at its best” (West Briton) and “Primal storytelling” (What’s On Cornwall); Rogue Otherworld creates immersive theatre and spellbinding tales to excite imaginations of all ages.
Hosted and narrated by the Wild King, Wild Awake is a storyworld for families, adults and children and involves an adventure on woodland paths and a sat down theatre event at the heart of the woods.
In addition to the delicious cauldron of stew stirred with magic, we have a reasonably priced refreshments tent with toasted buns, hot drinks, cold drinks, beer wine and cider.
And keep your eye out for the Wild Spring Hare, there is a rumor that at the end, she will appear with a basket of chocolate treats to share (one for everyone)!
The main part of the event is sat on haybales (or chairs with backs) in our exciting black and silver big top, so don’t worry about the weather, the main part of the event is covered (it will be glorious anyway)! There are eco-friendly compost loos too (as well as an accessible porta loo).
The path through the woods is reasonably flat and laid with woodchip, making it accessible for most buggies and wheelchairs. There is a slightly shorter and flatter route on the way back from the heart of the woods and disabled access direct to the heart of the woods can be arranged in advance by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 07837561483.
The adventure lasts about 2 hours and journeys through the wild woods (though the main part of the event is in our tent) so wear boots or shoes for adventure and dress for the weather.
Wild Awake takes place on the following dates:
March 29th, 30th and 31st and April 1st at – 12:30, 15:00 and 17:30
April 3rd and 4th at – 12:30 and 15:00
April 5th, 6th and 7th at – 12:30, 15:00 and 17:30
and April 8th and 9th at – 12:30 and 15:00
(There is no show on the 2nd April)
The show will go ahead whatever the weather.

£12.50 Invest in Rogue Tickets. Support Rogue and invest in the creation of future magic!
£10 General Tickets (all ages) ages 1, 2 and 3 are free.
£Free 3 and under Tickets. Add your under 3’s to your tickets with no charge.
£7.50 Affordability Discount Tickets are available. Simply email [email protected] and request an affordability discount code for the number of tickets you wish to purchase and we will send you a discount code to enter when you process your order.
£7.50 Wild Card Tickets (to Donate or free to receive) This is an opportunity to extend your generosity and buy a ticket as a gift for somebody who couldn’t otherwise take part. When you buy a Wild Card Ticket you are paying it forward, enabling somebody who could not otherwise afford to come to take part, and, at the same time you are supporting Rogue to continue doing what we do best!
Wild Card is an opportunity for those who would like to invest in our wild immersive theatre to do so by passing on the magic, buying a ticket, a Wild Card for an unknown friend.
If you would like to donate a Wild Card you can do so by simply adding a £7.50 Wildcard to your order.
Wild Card Tickets are free to receive.
If you would like to receive a Wild Card/s all you need to do is message Rogue via Facebook or email – [email protected]

Disabled Access. Whilst Rogue Otherworld events are in the wild old wood, we are committed to overcoming obstacles and making our immersive events as accessible as possible. Whilst adventurous, Wild Awake has good accessibility, and we are very happy to discuss access options via text or call on 07837561483 or [email protected]

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your start time to park your vehicle and to make your way to meet The Box Office Faerie.
Please follow the guidance of Francis the Parking Man, he is there to help.
You can arrive up to 30 minutes before your booking time (to keep vehicle numbers down in the car park).
WILD AWAKE will run on time like the stars that align.
10 minutes before your start time please gather at the Box Office in your group.
The Box Office Faerie will be expecting you!

Tehidy Woods North Cliffs is situated between Portreath and Gwithian on the B3301. Rogue uses a separate parking area to the Tehidy North Cliffs Car Park; if approaching from the west (Gwithian) keep your eyes out for our entrance on the right, if coming from the east (Portreath) it will be on your left.
THE BEST WAY TO FIND US (and rural or unusual locations in the future) Is to download and use the WHAT 3 WORDS App – Follow: roaming.sparkles.dined
Click on our “Finding Us” page for more help with directions.